Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone within the club (led by the whole committee) but England Athletics recommends having club welfare officers to ensure that the club has dedicated people with the primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about members at risk.
The welfare officers act as trained and trusted people that you can reach out to about a concern. As the lead people who have the skills and knowledge to manage any concern raised in an appropriate way, they will know how to deal with concerns in a way that wouldn’t hamper an investigation. Their responsibility will be to ensure the right information is shared with the right people at the right time.
The HRR Welfare Officers are: Natasha Giannousi-Varney and Daniel Oakey
Please get in touch with them by emailing
Safeguarding Policy:
The HRR Safeguarding Policy is available here
Club members are expected to adhere to the UK Athletics and Home Country Athletics Federations codes of conduct relevant to their role at the club. The England Athletics page relevant to welfare and safeguarding is available here, the codes of conduct are available here.