When did you join HRR and what prompted you to join?
I joined in 2001 so I’m approaching 20 years in the club. I was doing a bit of easy running in my own time and a work colleague who was a member of HRR encouraged me to join. Before I knew it, I had purchased a club vest and started entering races!
When did you start running?
I started taking it seriously when I joined HRR in 2001 when in my late twenties, prior to that, I was a very occasional and casual runner.
What inspired you to become a coach/leader?
Bringing people together in an encouraging and inclusive environment feels like an important element of HRR and in some small way I hope I can contribute to that.
What group coaching/leading do you do at HRR?
I support John Griffiths with the Saturday morning winter training sessions at South Park.
What is your favourite training session?
I’m not great at hills, I’m not quite built for them, but I do like a good hill session. On the flat, for simplicity, 12 x 400 metres is also a nice ‘go to’ session and has served me well over the years.
What is your favourite race or running route?
The Gosport Half marathon still resonates, and I have raced it a few times. I set my pb there and I had one of those rare moments where it all felt free and easy for a while.
What has been your best coaching/leading moment?
Nothing specific, but more broadly the collective glow of satisfaction and camaraderie at the end of a session.