Chiltern League 24/25 – Race 4 – Cassiobury Park, Watford

Date: 11th Jan 2025
Full results:
Type: XC
Comments: Ground was frozen, but the sun shone on possibly the best HRR combined CL team performance ever! One more result like this and we could climb to 4th for the season. Marcus 1st Senior, Alan 1st V60, Jackie 1st V65 all outstanding. New and old faces consumed vast amounts of carefully baked cakes, how good can it get !
Div 1 (16 teams) On the Day For the Season
Combined Team Men & Women 2nd 6th
Women 3rd 4th
(Vet Women) (5th) (5th)
10 Leonie Glasson 21.23 Sen
14 Elizabeth Leason 21.47 Sen
21 Emily Myhill 22.24 Sen
24 Mary Scott 22.36 Sen
32 Lucy Ambrose 23.22 V35
36 Janice Chan 23.39 Sen
41 Daphne Claisse 23.48 Sen
45 Zoe Schwerkolt 24.11 Sen
47 Rachel Shaw 24.18 V45
82 Kate Sergeant 26.15 V35
86 Clare Humphreys 26.28 V35
87 Yvonne Morris 26.35 V45
138 Samantha Rose 30.56 V45
152 Jackie Duvall 32.46 V65
Men 3rd 7th
(Vet Men) (5th) (7th)
1 Marcus Shantry 33.22 Sen
16 Dougie Moffett 35.28 Sen
23 Troy Southall 36.27 Sen
26 Tom Dobra 36.35 Sen
56 Ian Hewitt 38.01 V40
63 Sam Garforth 38.27 Sen
69 Connor O’Pray 39.06 Sen
72 Matthew Gibson 39.18 Sen
79 Dominic Ashton 39.33 Sen
87 Fergus Campbell 39.53 V50
95 John Fenning 40.25 V40
120 Richard Skilbeck 42.04 V50
148 Alan Darbyshire 43.47 V60
149 Andrew Tyler 43.50 Sen
181 James Eve 46.12 V50
190 Chris Woodruff 46.59 V60
191 Andy Phelps 47.08 V60
200 Brett Millson 48.14 Sen
220 James Cann 50.52 V50
224 Peter Marshall 51.12 V60
225 Mark Herd 51.16 V50
237 Aaron Anstey 52.56 V40
251 Philip Lister 59.52 V60
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