Club timetrial

Date: 09th Jul 2015
Distance: 4m
Type: Road
Comments: Peter Martyniuk beat his debut time by so much he nearly crossed the finish line before we arrived to record the times. Andy Sulley arrived thinking he had won, having never seen Peter. Fastest man was James Felce, who set the fastest time seen for a couple of years. Charlotte Richer was fastest woman among several who broke 26 minutes.
Time Taken Actual-Handicap
Peter Martyniuk 30:59 PB -221
Andy Sulley 30:09 -151
Alistair Felton 29:40 -110
Ed Byard 25:26 -94
Helen Smith 34:19 PB -71
James Watson 24:11 PB -69
Charlotte Richer 25:42 PB -58 Fastest woman
Linda Jennings 36:03 PB -47
Inigo Surguy 24:06 PB -44
Duncan Henning 25:20 PB -40
Matthew Stiff 29:10 PB -40
Julie Keyser 37:11 PB -39
Daniel Bremner 27:34 PB -36
Kevin Byrne 27:35 -35
Mark Richards 22:58 -32
Alice Wood 36:04 PB -26
Ruth Landreth 39:45 -25
Nicky Smith 25:57 PB -23
Josh Spering 23:59 PB -21
Suzy Robertson 28:19 PB -21
Mike Davies 27:30 -20
Ashley Smith 28:31 PB -19
Richard Clarke 32:12 -18
Neville Baker 26:33 -17
Ita Kelly 31:25 -15
Morten Lenholm 32:26 -14
Rachel Shaw 26:10 -10
Geraldine Day 38:21 -9
Steve Cowls 27:43 -7
Chris Turnbull 27:09 -1
Penny Bensusan 29:59 -1
Sue Cassettari 36:30 0
Catriona Scott 29:44 4
Fergus Campbell 23:06 6
Linda Slay 33:09 9
Judith Kalthoff 25:54 14
Jon Barker 26:07 17
Graham Day 32:51 21
Matt Luff 25:14 24
Robert Treadwell 30:05 25
Jolyon Friedhoff 29:15 25
Alison Barry 31:06 26
Emma Carter 32:54 34
Maria Keenan 37:18 38
Emily Spicer 36:28 38
Andy Phelps 24:21 41
Graham Norris 31:12 42
Imogen Matthews 30:43 43
Matthew Johnson 28:54 44
Kate Daniels 28:08 48
Mike Pearce 23:30 50
Kit Villiers 43:24 54
Matt Biglin 27:24 54
Simon Hodkin 31:33 63
Richard Skilbeck 23:54 64
Lennard Lee 27:44 64
Angus Grant 28:04 74
Chris Jones 35:15 75
MarieAnne Fischer 33:03 83
Pam Smith 41:43 83
Huw Grange 25:49 89
Laura Pearson 32:33 93
Rachel Walsh 32:34 104
Eleanor Blyth 38:01 121
John Griffiths 27:13 143
Michelle Reid 30:04 144
Mark Creasey 28:53 153
Gail Jones 35:42 212
Sheila Doel 43:33 213
Max Jackson 40:41 271
James Felce 21:56 Fastest Man
Simon Kerr 22:26
Roger Thetford 24:37
Steve Ireland 25:15
Kevin CremonaHoward 25:23
Nick Shea 26:09
Rosemary Payne 30:58
Tim Dixon 31:46
Gemma Harris 35:32
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