Club timetrial

Date: 12th May 2016
Distance: 4m
Type: Road
Comments: Amongst a large contingent of first-timers, it was hard to tell on the night who had won the second Time Trial of the season, but John Miller, who was running for the second time, took 2 minutes off his handicap with the benefit of knowing the route. First regular was Jolyon Friedhoff, who easily beat his PB set 2 years ago. Other good performances came from last month's winner, Liz Turner, who took another large chunk off her handicap, and Kit who was second last time, but still managed to improve again. Fastest man was James Eve, albeit a minute slower than his best, while Diane was fastest woman despite a second place finish at Cottisford the night before.
Time Taken Actual-Handicap
John Miller 27:19 PB -121
Trevor Siefers 31:33 PB -87
Siobhan Duke 37:59 PB -81
Caroline Schade 31:55 PB -75
Jolyon Friedhoff 28:12 PB -68
Julian Tranter 31:06 -64
Flora Taverner 31:27 PB -63
Liz Turner 28:45 PB -45
Stuart Conway 27:31 PB -39
Kit Villiers 42:47 -33
Jo Wolfreys 31:59 PB -31
Chris Childs 30:57 PB -23
Stuart Crook 29:57 PB -23
Christine McBride 33:08 PB -22
Max Jackson 37:49 -21
Esther Johnson 28:31 PB -19
Hanno Nickau 30:54 -16
Angus Grant 26:28 PB -12
MarieAnne Fischer 32:01 -9
Judith Kalthoff 26:03 -7
Philip Munday 30:04 -6
Martin Leach 27:26 -4
Anna Chappell 34:49 -1
Nathan Blunden 23:05 15
Steve Cowls 27:08 18
Jim Foster 26:54 24
Richard Clarke 31:47 27
Helen Smith 35:27 27
Linda Slay 35:08 28
Simon Hodkin 31:12 32
James Eve 21:47 37 Fastest Man
Chris Turnbull 26:24 44
John Griffiths 25:45 45
Charlotte Richer 25:30 50
Laura Pearson 32:12 52
Sarah Warbrick 32:39 59
Diane Moore 24:14 64 Fastest Woman
Harriet Brinton 34:55 65
John Worth 31:36 66
Chris Jones 37:03 73
Alison Barry 32:29 79
Amy Johnson 28:20 80
Howard Marshall 30:20 80
David Sawyer 30:22 82
Madeleine Ding 28:22 82
Robert Treadwell 29:43 83
Imogen Matthews 31:55 85
Ashley Smith 29:35 85
Neville Baker 28:10 90
Emily Spicer 36:16 96
Mark Richards 24:37 97
Morten Lenholm 31:29 109
Graham Day 34:23 113
Graham Norris 32:42 132
Geraldine Day 39:20 160
Richard Chinn 30:30 180
Andy Sulley 34:14 194
Sandra HardingBrown 37:07 197
Rachel Shaw 30:31 251
Tasha Taylor 40:00 340
Joanne Smith 26:13
Kenny Lowies 26:21
Corrado deCandia 28:40
Carol Edwards 33:04
Becky Mann 34:17
April Lopez 35:08
Debbie Brown 36:19
Ian Homer 37:47
Kelly Homer 38:25
Janet Payne 40:29
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