Club timetrial

Date: 10th Jun 2021
Distance: 4m
Type: Road
Comments: Here are the final results for the June Timetrial. Those that took part in the live event on Thursday are marked with an asterisk. Congratulations to Matthew Johnson who won his 62nd Time Trial. Jenni, who ran round the TT course with Niamh, before the official start, ran a big PB. Oliver Neely was fastest man for the 3rd time and Alice Self was fastest woman for the first time. I think the mixture of a live and virtual event worked well. I'd be interested to hear your views. Thanks to Fergus and Gail, who marshalled the social distancing, to Graham Day for the sign-up system, and thanks to the runners for making sure it was a safe event.
Time Taken Actual-Hcp
Matthew Johnson* 30:18 -132
Jenni Bagley 46:59pb -71
Will BowdenBenn* 25:40pb -60
Kevin Bagley* 32:17pb -43
Pauline Bradley* 34:00pb -40
Jenny McIntyre* 33:03pb -37
Richard Skilbeck* 24:13 -37
Caroline Schade 33:16 -34
Nicky Hare 32:05pb -25
Harriet Brinton* 35:09 -11
Natasha GiannousiVarsey 33:35 -5
Tristan Clarke 27:05 -5
Peter Hellawell* 24:28 -2
Roger Thetford 27:58 -2
Oliver Neely* 22:40 0 Fastest Man
Andy Lawrence* 32:29 9
Jane Quinlan 33:32 12
Linda Slay* 36:05 15
Oliver Robertson* 25:48 18
Alice Self* 28:29 19 Fastest Woman
Phil Kimber* 33:40 20
Liz Clapton 39:01 21
Nicola Oldroyd* 28:51 31
Niamh Simpson 46:31 31
Joe DAngelo* 25:47 37
Steve Rice 33:39 39
Graham Day* 35:52 42
Graham Norris* 35:50 50
Tim Dixon 33:54 54
Mika Vesterinen* 23:36 66
Pam Smith* 49:10 80
Max Jackson 45:31 81
Alice Wood* 38:43 93
Duncan Henning 29:44 104
Mark Herd 30:20 120
Philip Lister* 34:04 124
Kit Villiers* 56:01 361
Daniel Rings* 24:20
Rupert Cousens* 25:37
Richard Exley* 25:41
Tom Heath* 25:43
Sarah Warbrick* 33:45
Hanno Nickau* 34:31
Imogen Matthews 34:53
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