National 10K

Date: 05th Oct 2003
Distance: 10K
Full results:
Type: Road
Comments: A good HRR turn out as there was a busy weekend of racing out there. Fast flat course with hot competition, I got a pb by about 8min, good considering I had a cold and had fealt rough the week before. Let me know if your run was also a pb or you achived something significant in your age catagory.
1Julius Kibet28.42 Kenya
41Steve Male31.55HRR
78Gary Harris33.04HRR
88Miriam Wangari33.281st FKenya
153Allison Hirst36.54HRR
155David Burton37.08HRR
204Caroline McCarthy39.26HRR
245Mark Hirst41.18HRR
248Jo Choulerton41.28HRR
275Diane Moore43.32HRR
348Michelle Ryder50.15HRRpb
385Richard Harris62.17tail
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