Otmoor Challenge

Date: 06th Jun 2009
Distance: long 1/2 Marathon (13.2miles)
Full results: www.otmoorchallenge.co.uk
Type: MT
Comments: I supported from outside my house in Noke. It was the first time for years that I did not need to offer runners a shower from the garden hose as the heavens were providing that instead. Runners, however, appeared cheerful but muddy. Congratulations to all HRR for braving this sapping course, but in particular Jude, Laura, Adrienne and Sandra (Ladies Winning Team) and Richard, Ian, Chris and Gary (Mens 2nd Team). Apologies for any errors: on the Otmoor website printout I noticed, for example, that Jude Craft is reported as representing "South Australia Road Runners"!
11st runner01:15:01
10Richard Skilbeck1:22:58
12Ian Meadowcroft1:23:52
16Chris Prince1:25:46
17Gary Harris1:26:05
37Gavin Bird1:30:40
57Marco di Gobbi1:34:21
64Alan Darbyshire1:35:00
79Jon Barker1:37:17
85Kevin Byrne1:37:48
89Jude Craft1:38:41
90Laura Kyce1:38:42
93Sandra Wolanski1:39:21
97Luke McNeill1;40:10
98Clive Slator1:40:15
110Adrienne Hopkins1:41:43
112Martin Allen1:42:29
113Geoff Burke1:42:37
117Henriette Thorn1:42.58
129Graham Norris1:44:20
155Michael Yeates1:47:32
192Richard Morgan1:52:20
220Kate Sheehan1:55:00
239Ross Logan1:58:11pb
242Linda Macaskill1:58:20
243Barry Cornelius1:58:50
282Bob Cox(ex HRR)2:04:48
301Kit Villiers2:09:05
356Roger Sumners3:04:02
358last runner3:09:19
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