Southern Masters League, Bracknell

Date: 12th Jul 2004
Distance: Various
Type: Track
Comments: Featuring a Headington clean sweep in the walks, and Tracey bravely competing against Radley for the first time . . .
W35 5000m A-string
1Tracey GalbraithAbingdon18:00.4
M50 200m
3Gordon ManningRadley29.5
4Manny StoneOxford30.0pb
M40 800m A-string
6Roger ThetfordAbingdon2:32.4
M40 800m B-string
3Andrew GarnerAbingdon3:02.5
M50 800m B-string
5Manny StoneOxford2:54.3
M40 3000m
5Roger ThetfordAbingdon10:04.6
M50 3000m
6Gordon ManningRadley14:51.1
M50 Triple Jump
4Gordon ManningRadley6.85
M40 2000m Walk A-string
1Graham ChapmanOxford9:24.8
M40 2000m Walk B-string
1Hanno NickauOxford10:11.1
2Roger ThetfordAbingdon12.51.3pb
M50 2000m Walk
1Gordon ManningRadley12:09.1pb
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