Street Orienteering

Date: 23rd Aug 2007
Type: Road
Comments: Thanks to everyone who competed. I hope you enjoyed it. The format was a little different from last year in an attempt to make it a bit harder to plan your route. The penalty was harsher and it was further to run for fewer points. In the end it was possible to get them all with only a small time penalty; well done to Roger Thetford the overall winner. Chris Prince and Marco de Gobbi made a good team and Kirsty Hewitson sped round to be the first lady. First prize for creativity goes to Caroline and Kate, accuracy to Morten, and lateness to Hanno. Street orienteering with a far better map at an accurate scale comes to Oxford on November 10th courtesy of the university orienteering club. Keep an eye and an ear out for details.
Roger Thetford8067461:40:001st male
Neville Baker656559:05:00
Chris Prince / Marco de Gobbi6536260:10:001st team
Richard Newhouse7096162:40:00
Morten Lennholm606060:00:00
Kirsty Hewitson555554:00:001st female
Frank Bailey555555:00:00
Richard Faull555557:44:00
John Worth5535260:40:00
Pete Godwin / Ian Meadowcroft454555:50:00
Steve Cowls / Rachel Shaw / Max Boykoff454555:55:00
Carol Edwards454556:30:00
Rai Alsemgeest454557:40:00
Diane Evans / Graham Day / Manny Stone454558:30:00
Hanno Nickau80394172:30:00
Laurie Hurman404050:48:00
Caroline Slay / Kate Castleden404054:05:00
Ian MacPherson / Trevor Witts353554:40:00
Alana Clark / Marie-anne Fischer / Chris Colbeck353559:30:00
Nick Andrews4063461:30:00
Lawrence Kemble40122863:12:00
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